Peer-reviewed paper
- T. Ishida, K. Haremaki, Y. Koide, T. Uneyama, Y. Masubuchi,
Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Oxidative Aging of Polymers under Various O2 Concentration
submitted to Polymer Degradation and Stability and available at
- S. Nakamura, H. Sato, T. Ishida, H. Hagihara, H. Shinzawa, R. Watanabe,
End-group analysis of polycarbonates using evolved gas analysis-time-of-flight mass spectrometry combining principal component analysis and Kendrick mass defect analysis
submitted to Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
- T. Oishi, Y. Koide, T. Ishida, Y. Masubuchi, and T. Uneyama,
Prediction of induced fluxes in reverse nonequilibrium molecular dynamics
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 162, 054120, 2025.
- Y. Masubuchi, Y. Koide, T. Ishida, T. Uneyama,
Brownian simulations for fracture of star polymer phantom networks
Polymer Journal, 2024.
- T. Oishi, Y. Koide, T. Ishida, T. Uneyama, Y. Masubuchi, F. Müller-Plathe,
Reverse Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations of a Melt of Kremer-Grest Type Model under Fast Shear,
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 20, 21, 9666–9672, 2024.
- T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, Y. Masubuchi,
Coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Oxidative Aging of Polymers -Effect of free radical diffusivity –,
Polymer Journal, 56, 1069–1078, 2024.
invited as Rising Stars in Polymer Science 2024
- Y. Masubuchi, T. Ishida, Y. Koide, T. Uneyama,
Phantom chain simulations for fracture of star polymer networks with various strand densities,
Soft Matter, 20, 7103, 2024.
- Y. Masubuchi, H. Guo, F. Wang, B. Khomami, M. Boudaghi-Khajehnobar, Y. Doi, T. Ishida, T. Uneyama,
Dissipative particle dynamics simulation plus slip-springs for entangled polymers with various slip-spring densities,
Macromolecules, 57, 10, 4867–4877, 2024.
- Y. Leem, R. Kitagaki, T. Ishida, and H. Hagihara,
Long-term stability and water vapor induced degradation of physico-chemical properties of XPS and PF,
Developments in the Built Environment, 18, 100429, 2024.
- T. Ishida, E. Richaud, H. Hagihara, R. Kitagaki,
Estimating Network Lifetime of AUN in Photo-aging by Kinetic modeling and “Degelation” model,
Macromolecular Symposia, 413, 4, 2300247, 2024.
- F. Nakai and T. Ishida*,
Analysis of non-Gaussian diffusion of Hydrogen and Oxygen in Cement Paste Using a Two-State Fluctuating Diffusivity Model,
Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi (J Soc Rheol Jpn) , 52(2), 83-89, 2024, invited paper.
- T. Ishida*, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, Y. Masubuchi,
Modeling for heterogeneous oxidative aging of polymers using coarse-grained molecular dynamics,
Macromolecules, 56(21), 8474-8483, 2023.
- F. Nakai, T. Ishida*,
Gas Diffusion in Cement Pastes: An Analysis using a Fluctuating Diffusivity Model,
Construction and Building Materials, 407(1), 133411, 2023.
- K. Enomoto, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, Y. Masubuchi,
Extension of Moving Particle Simulation including rotational degrees of freedom for dilute fiber suspension,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 96(2), 125-137, 2023.
- Y. Masubuchi, Y. Doi, T. Ishida, N. Sakumichi, T. Sakai, K. Mayumi, K. Sato, T. Uneyama,
Phantom-Chain Simulations for the Effect of Node Functionality on the Fracture of Star-Polymer Networks,
Macromolecules, 56(23), 9359-9367, 2023.
- Y. Masubuchi, Y. Doi, T. Ishida, T. Uneyama
A multi-chain slip-spring model without slip-spring degeneracy,
Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi (J. Soc. Rheol. Jpn.), 51(4), 211-217, 2023.
- Y. Doi, M. Hara, T. Seki, A. Takano, T. Ishida, T. Uneyama, Y. Masubuchi
Preparation and Characterization of Two-Dimensional Sheet-Shaped Poly(methyl methacrylate) Synthesized by γ-Ray Polymerization in Nanoclay Template,
Polymer Journal, 55, 957–965, 2023.
- F. Nakai, M. Kröger, T. Ishida, T. Uneyama, Y. Doi, Y. Masubuchi,
Increase in Rod Diffusivity Emerges even in Markovian Nature,
Physical Review E, 107, 044604, 2023.
- T. Ishida, R. Kitagaki, Y. Elakneswaran, J. Mizukado, H. Shinzawa, H. Sato, H. Hagihara, R. Watanabe
Network Degradation Assessed by Evolved Gas Analysis-Mass Spectrometry Combined with Principal Component Analysis (EGA-MS-PCA): A Case of Thermo-oxidized Epoxy/Amine Network,
Macromolecules, 56 (3), 883–891, 2023.
- T. Ishida, K. Nakada,
Review of rheology in cement-based materials and its application to 3D printing using concrete,
Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi (J. Soc. Rheol. Jpn.), 51, 1–8, 2023.
- Y. Masubuchi, Y. Doi, T. Ishida, N. Sakumichi, T. Sakai, K. Mayumi, T. Uneyama
Phantom chain simulations for the fracture of energy-minimized tetra and tri-branched networks,
Macromolecules, 56 (5), 2217–2223, 2023.
- F. Nakai, Y. Masubuchi, Y. Doi, T. Ishida, T. Uneyama,
Fluctuating diffusivity emerges even in binary gas mixtures,
Physical Review E, 107, 14605, 2023.
- T. Ishida, R. Kitagaki,
Accelerated Aging Test Modeling for Polycarbonate: Effects of Light Source,
Macromolecular Symposia, 405, 2100211, 2022.
- T. Uneyama, T, Oishi, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, and Y. Masubuchi,
Stress Tensor of Single Rigid Dumbbell by Virtual Work Method,
Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi (J. Soc. Rheol. Jpn.), 50(4), 313-322, 2022.
- T. Ishida, R. Watanabe, H. Hagihara, J. Mizukado, R. Kitagaki, Y. Elakneswaran,
In-situ Infrared Cure Monitoring Coupling with Two-Trace Two- Dimensional (2T2D) Correlation Analysis can Elucidate Property- Enhancement Mechanisms due to Nanofiller Incorporation on Thermosetting Polymer,
Polymer Testing, 112, 107587, 2022.
- T. Ishida, E. Richaud, M. Gervais, A. Gaudy, R. Kitagaki, H. Hagihara, Y. Elakneswaran,
Thermal aging of acrylic-urethane network: Kinetic modeling and end-of-life criteria combined with mechanical properties,
Progress in Organic Coatings, 163, 106654, 2022.
- T. Ishida, R. Kitagaki, H. Hagihara, Y. Elakneswaran,
Role of moisture in photo-ageing -macromolecular architecture evolution of acrylic-urethane network,
Polymer Testing, 96, 107123, 2021.
- T. Ishida, R. Kitagaki,
Mathematical Modeling of Outdoor Natural Weathering of Polycarbonate: Regional Characteristics of Degradation Behaviors,
Polymers (Basel), 13(5), 820, 2021.
- T. Ishida, R. Kitagaki, R. Watanabe, H. Hagihara, Y. Elakneswaran, H. Shinzawa,
A study of molecular architectural dynamics of crosslinked urethane during photo-aging by two-dimensional infrared correlation spectroscopy,
Polymer Degradation and Stability, 179, 109242, 2020.
- T. Ishida, R. Kitagaki, H. Hagihara, Y. Elakneswaran,
Challenges in prediction of significant structural changes during photochemical “degelation” of acrylic-urethane network,
Polymer (Guildf). 186, 122035, 2020.
- T. Ishida, R. Kitagaki, S. Yamane, H. Hagihara,
Temperature dependence of structural alteration by ultraviolet irradiation in acrylic-urethane coatings studied by positron annihilation spectroscopy and solvent swelling behavior,
Polymer Degradation and Stability, 162, 85–93, 2019.
- T. Ishida, R. Kitagaki, H. Hagihara, Y. Elakneswaran,
Intrinsic Differences on the Photodegradation Mechanisms between Pigmented and Non-Pigmented Coatings Determined by Multi-Scale Analysis,
Current Topics and Trends on Durability of Building Materials and Components eBook of Proceedings in: Current Topics and Trends on Durability of Building Materials and Components, Serrat, C., Casas, J.R. and Gibert, V. (Eds)., 2020.
- A. Tanifuji, T. Ishida, R. Kitagaki,
Morphology Changes and Fillers Migration in Urethane Composites during Thermal Degradation,
Current Topics and Trends on Durability of Building Materials and Components eBook of Proceedings in: Current Topics and Trends on Durability of Building Materials and Components, Serrat, C., Casas, J.R. and Gibert, V. (Eds)., 2020.
- Best presentation award, 11th Conference on Modification, Degradation and Stabilization of Polymers, Sep., 2024
Invited talk/lecture
- T. Ishida, Heterogeneity of Oxidative Aging in Polymer Melts and Solid Semi-Crystalline Polymers, Nagoya Rheology Workshop 2024, Nagoya, Nov., 2024
- T, Ishida, “Elucidate Intrinsic Origin of Heterogeneous Oxidative Aging using Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation”, 11th Conference on Modification, Degradation and Stabilization of Polymers (2024/9/1-4), O2-32, Palermo, Italy, Oral presentation.
- T, Ishida, “Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Oxidative Aging in Amorphous Regions of Semi-crystalline Polymers -Decay of Stress Transmitter Content-“, 11th Conference on Modification, Degradation and Stabilization of Polymers (2024/9/1-4), P10, Palermo, Italy, Poster presentation.
- Y. Yamawaki, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama and Y. Masubuchi, ”Effect of surface treatment of iron particles with silane coupling agent on rheological properties of magnetorheological fluids”, The 17th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist(2024/1/23–26) P30, Busan, Korea (Pukyong National University), Short oral & Poster presentation.
- K. Tomita, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, and Y. Masubuchi, “An accelerated scission model for thermal oxidation of polystyrene”, The 17th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist (2024/1/23–26) P20, Busan, Korea(Pukyong National University, Engineering), Poster presentation.
- K. Suzuki, A. Takano, S. Arai, S. Muto, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, and Y. Masubuchi, “TEM-EELS observation of phase separation behavior of miscible Polyisoprene/Poly(alkylstyrene) blends ”, The 17th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist (2024/1/23–26) S29, Busan, Korea(Pukyong National University, Engineering), Short oral & Poster presentation.
- S. Ayaguchi, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, and Y. Masubuchi, “Effects of intermolecular repulsive interactions on mechanical properties of tetra-gels under elongation”, The 17th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist (2024/1/23–26) S33 , Busan, Korea(Pukyong National University, Engineering), Short oral & Poster presentation.
- T. Shoda, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, and Y. Masubuchi, “Effect of particle position on apparent viscosity in B-type viscometers”, The 17th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist (2024/1/23–26) S41, Busan, Korea(Pukyong National University, Engineering), Short oral & Poster presentation
- C. Ichikawa, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, and Y. Masubuchi, “The effect of viscoelastic relaxation on aging of polystyrene glass with a bimodal molecular weight distribution”, The 17th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist (2024/1/23–26) S26, Busan, Korea(Pukyong National University, Engineering), Short oral & Poster presentation.
- K. Shigekura, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, and Y. Masubuchi, “Influence of coarsening and bubble rupture on stress growth in foam under high shear rates”, The 17th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist (2024/1/23–26) S37, Busan, Korea(Pukyong National University, Engineering), Short oral & Poster presentation.
- K. Kushida, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, and Y. Masubuchi, “Onset of mechano-sorptive creep in wood under bending stress:Critical moisture content and pore structure, The 17th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist(2024/1/23–26) P27, Busan, Korea(Pukyong National University, Engineering), Poster presentation.
- T. Oishi, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, and Y. Masubuchi, “Effect of particle size and spring constant on Soret coefficient in dimer solution”, Statphys28 (2023/8/7–11) PSB-17, The University of Tokyo, Hongo campus,Tokyo, Japan, Poster presentation.
- T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, Y. Masubuchi, “Study of heterogeneous oxidative aging of polymers by coarse-grained molecular dynamics”, XIXth International Congress on Rheology, 2023/8/5(Athens, Greece), oral presentation.
- T. Oishi, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, and Y. Masubuchi, “Molecular weight dependence of Soret coefficient of Rouse chains”, XIXth International Congress on Rheology, 2023/8/4(Athens, Greece), PPO34, Poster presentation.
- F. Nakai, M. Kröger, T. Ishida, T. Uneyama, Y. Doi, and Y. Msubuchi, “Increase in Rod Diffusivity Emerges even in Markovian Nature”, XIXth International Congress on Rheology, 2023/8/4(Athens, Greece), oral presentation.
- T. Ishida, E. Richaud, H. Hagihara, R. Kitagaki, “Estimating Network Lifetime of AUN in Photo-aging by Kinetic modeling and “Degelation” model”, The 11th Conference on Times of Polymers (TOP) & Composites, 2023/6/12(Ischia island, Italy), oral presentation.
- T. Ishida, R. Kitagaki, ”Network lifetime of crosslinked urethane in photo-aging”, The 16th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist(2023/2/18–21) L02, Udon Thani, Thailand(Centara Hotel & Convention Centre), Long Oral presentation
- F. Nakai, Y. Masubuchi, Y. Doi, T. Ishida, and T. Uneyama, “Fluctuating Diffusivity Emerges Even in Binary Gas Mixtures”, The 16th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist(2023/2/18–21) L11, Udon Thani, Thailand(Centara Hotel & Convention Centre), Long Oral presentation.
- K. Enomoto, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, and Y. Masubuchi, “Simulation of Rotational Motion of fibers in Sheared Suspensions Using Modified MPS”, The 16th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist(2023/2/18–21) P06, Udon Thani, Thailand(Centara Hotel & Convention Centre), Short Oral and Poster presentation
- J. Kitamura, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, and Y. Masubuchi, “Stress Overshoot in Single-Particle Transient Potential Model for Entangled Polymers”, The 16th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist(2023/2/18–21) P18, Udon Thani, Thailand(Centara Hotel & Convention Centre), Short Oral and Poster presentation
- S. Ayaguchi, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, and Y. Masubuchi, “Effects of Repulsive Inter-Molecular Interactions on the Structural Formation Process of Tetra-PEG Gels”, The 16th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist (2023/2/18–21) P23, Udon Thani, Thailand(Centara Hotel & Convention Centre), Short Oral and Poster presentation
- T. Oishi, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, and Y. Masubuchi, “Effects of Conformational Degrees of Freedom on Soret Coefficient of Dumbbells Obeying Langevin Equation”, The 16th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist (2023/2/18–21) P26, Udon Thani, Thailand(Centara Hotel & Convention Centre), Short Oral and Poster presentation
- T. Shiraishi, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama and Y. Masubuchi, ”Li-ion Diffusion Processes in (Succinonitrile-Doped) PEO Electrolytes”, The 16th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist(2023/2/18–21) P27, Udon Thani, Thailand(Centara Hotel & Convention Centre), Short Oral and Poster presentation
- S. Yasui, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, and Y. Masubuchi, “Elongational Viscosity of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polypropylenes with Bimodal Fiber Length Distributions”, The 16th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist(2023/2/18–21) P30, Udon Thani, Thailand(Centara Hotel & Convention Centre), Short Oral and Poster presentation
- K. Shigekura, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, and Y. Masubuchi, “A Multi-particle Model of Bubbles”, The 16th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist (2023/2/18–21) P32, Udon Thani, Thailand(Centara Hotel & Convention Centre), Short Oral and Poster presentation
- C. Ichikawa, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama and Y. Masubuchi, ”Viscoelastic and Dielectric Relaxations for Secondary Relaxation in Aged Polystyrene Glass with Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution”, The 16th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist(2023/2/18–21) P33, Udon Thani, Thailand(Centara Hotel & Convention Centre), Short Oral and Poster presentation
- K. Suzuki, A. Takano, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama and Y. Masubuchi, ”Spinodal Decomposition of Polymer Blends Consisting of Poly(4-iso-butylstyrene) and Polyisoprene with Different Microstructures Studied by Optical Microscopy”, The 16th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist(2023/2/18–21) P35, Udon Thani, Thailand(Centara Hotel & Convention Centre), Short Oral and Poster presentation
- R. Isoda, Y. Yamagata, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, and Y. Masubuchi, “Time Evolution of Shear Thickening Behavior in Nanoclay/PEO/Water Suspensions Studied by Rheo-SALS”, The 16th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist(2023/2/18–21) P37, Udon Thani, Thailand(Centara Hotel & Convention Centre), Short Oral and Poster presentation
- S. Yamakami, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, and Y. Masubuchi, “Extensional Viscosity of Polystyrene-block-Poly(2-vinylpyridine) Block Copolymer with Spherical Microphase Separated Structure”, The 16th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist (2023/2/18–21) P42, Udon Thani, Thailand(Centara Hotel & Convention Centre), Short Oral and Poster presentation
- Y. Yamawaki, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama and Y. Masubuchi, ”Effect of Addition of Fumed Silica Particles to Magnetorheological Properties of Carbonyl Iron Suspensions with Different Carbonyl Iron Concentrations”, The 16th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist(2023/2/18–21) P45, Udon Thani, Thailand(Centara Hotel & Convention Centre), Short Oral and Poster presentation
- T. Shoda, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, and Y. Masubuchi, “Evaluation of Flow Field of Large Particle Dispersions by Moving Image Analysis: Effects of Volume Fraction of Large Particles”, The 16th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist (2023/2/18–21) P47, Udon Thani, Thailand(Centara Hotel & Convention Centre), Short Oral and Poster presentation
- K. Tomita, T. Ishida, Y. Doi, T. Uneyama, and Y. Masubuchi, “Change of Viscoelastic Master Curves for Thermo-Oxidized Polystyrenes ”, The 16th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologist (2023/2/18–21) P49, Udon Thani, Thailand(Centara Hotel & Convention Centre), Short Oral and Poster presentation
- T. Ishida, R. Kitagaki, H. Hagihara, Y. Elakneswaran, Intrinsic Differences on the Photodegradation Mechanisms between Pigmented and Non-Pigmented Coatings Determined by Multi-Scale Analysis, 15th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components, online, Oct., 2020 [oral].
- A. Tanifuji, T. Ishida, R. Kitagaki, Morphology Changes and Fillers Migration in Urethane Composites during Thermal Degradation, 15th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components, online, Oct., 2020 [oral].
- T. Ishida, R. Kitagaki, S. Yamane, H. Hagihara, Morphological changes induced by photo-aging studied by positron annihilation spectroscopy and solvent swelling behavior, The 32nd International Symposium on Polymer Analysis and Characterization, Sendai, Japan, June, 2019 [poster].
- T. Ishida, R. Kitagaki, H. Hagihara, Y. Elakneswaran, Challenges in prediction of significant morphological changes from photochemical “degelation” of acrylic-urethane networks, The 33rd Polymer Degradation Discussion Group Conference, St. Julian, Malta, Aug., 2019 [oral & poster].
- T. Ishida, R. Kitagaki, H. Hagihara, Y. Elakneswaran, Theoretical study of structural alteration by UV irradiation in acrylic-urethane coatings and relationship between significant structural change and degelation behavior, 68th SPSJ Annual Meeting, The Society of Polymer Science, Osaka, Japan, May, 2019 [oral]
- T. Ishida, R. Kitagaki, Temperature dependency of photodegradation reactions and elastic modulus change by soft-segment modification on urethane-based coatings for building use, The 10th International Conference of Modification, Degradation and Stabilization of Polymers, Tokyo, Japan, Sep., 2018 [poster].
- T. Ishida, R. Kitagaki, Temperature dependency of photodegradation reactions on organic coatings for building material accompanying change of mechanical properties, The 14th Chemisty Conference for Young Scientists, Belgium, Feb., 2018 [poster].
- R. Kitagaki, T. Arai, T. Ishida, Apparent viscoelasticity of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) and deforamed XPS about melting point, The 10th International Conference of Modification, Degradation and Stabilization of Polymers, Tokyo, Japan, Sep., 2018 [oral].
- S. Kido, M. Hisanaga, T. Ishida, R. Kitagaki, Increased diffusivity of cement paste on recycled aggregate by carbonation with CO2 nano bubble, 1st Japan-China joint seminar on Sustainability in city, construction and concrete structures, Japan, July, 2017 [oral].